The following are Frequently Asked Questions about iPaymu’s integration service


Integration is the process of integrating or uniting two or more systems so that they become a unified and whole for a particular purpose. In this case the integration is connecting the iPaymu system with the merchant’s website / system, so that online transactions on the merchant’s website can be done.

There are several things that can cause the merchant to not receive an HTTP response, including the connection from the merchant, a method error when making a request and possibly a wrong URL request. This causes the iPaymu system to not accept requests from merchants and so there is no HTTP response from requests made by merchants.

API Key is obtained after registering on the official page at The API Key will appear on your dashboard, after you have successfully registered and logged into your iPaymu account.

Yes, it is possible. Login to the settings page on the iPaymu account dashboard and please set the logo and color of the iPaymu Payment Page to suit your needs.

It doesn’t take long, the iPaymu account is ready immediately after completing integration, the average integration time required is 30 seconds. Without doing another process, you can receive payments.

Certainly, iPaymu has a Payment Link feature, with this feature you can easily accept payments. Just send the payment link that you have made via SMS / Email / Social Media to the customer for them to make payment. Full information at

No, The standard format for writing amounts in Indonesian Rupiah does not include decimals. Please round the decimal values up or down in the "amount" parameter before sending a request to iPaymu. The iPaymu system will validate the transaction and may reject it if it contains decimal values.

To get a sandbox account, you need to register on the Sandbox iPaymu platform by visiting the Sandbox iPaymu.

You can find instructions on how to use the Sandbox iPaymu by clicking here.

Yes. iPaymu has a Plugin for WHMCS. Click here for more information.

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